WWC Man of Steel Acropora

SKU: VP-051624-01

Sale price$219.00


2.5" x 1.5" WYSIWYG and fully aquacultured by WWC! This WWC classic (aquacultured for more than 7 years) and fast growing tabletop is one of those Acropora that gets better with time. The longer you have it growing out in your system, the more hot pink and red pop out on the tips! Just be forewarned that you will need to be careful in placing this amazing Acro as it will soon create a shadow for anything growing underneath it.
This is a light loving Tabletop Acro and should be placed high in your reef so that it can receive somewhere in the vicinity of 275 to 350 par along with strong alternating flow. We would also recommend it be fed indirectly via broadcast feeding a couple of times per week . This piece is a good grower and can double its size every nine months to a year given a mature reef with stable parameters.

Vic’s Picks features the sweetest, and absolute healthiest corals from our 30,000 gallon farm. Vic, one of the founders of WWC, has an eye for corals and he is known throughout the industry for his ability to find and farm gorgeous corals. Vic personally and carefully hand picks all the corals for this collection. 

Aquaculture Seal
State Inspected Aqua-culture Facility

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